This is something we hear all the time from homeowners: Will the rain get my windows dirty? What if you clean and then it rains 2 days later? I don't want to schedule the cleaning this month, let's wait until the rain is done.
I definitely understand where my customers are coming from! I wouldn't want to pay for a cleaning service and then find out that it's been undone a few days later. And we've been told our whole lives that rain gets things dirty: our windows, our homes, our cars, etc. But that's actually not quite true.
Rainwater is actually very clean compared to groundwater, such as what comes out of your sink or garden hose. Unlike groundwater, rain doesn't contain dissolved minerals, chemicals, or dirt. In fact it tends to act like a magnet, picking up dirt and debris that it comes in contact with. That's why you may have noticed your car windshield looking cleaner after a rainstorm. In our cleaning company we actually use a high-quality filter system just to take groundwater and remove everything dissolved in it, making it more like rainwater.
You might be asking: if rainwater is so clean, why do my windows look so dirty after it rains? Good question! It's actually because the windows already have dirt and debris on them. This is usually spread in an even layer over the surface of the glass. But when it rains, water sucks up the dirt, evaporates, and leaves little spots all over the glass. What used to look clean was actually dirty, but you just couldn't really see it until it rained. And because of the way most windows are positioned (under eaves, behind screens, recessed, etc) they just don't get enough of a wash during a rainstorm to clear off all the dirt and debris.
So what can you do? Simple! Have your windows professionally cleaned on a regular basis. This will remove all the debris from the glass and frames. Then when it rains, instead of getting dirty, your windows will simply get a little rinse courtesy of Mother Nature. And having a good cleaning done a few times per year will ensure that your windows stay sparkling!